Canfax Research Services

Canfax Research Services (CRS) provides market information and economic analysis of issues that are of importance to the Canadian beef industry. In the last year CRS has been focused on the launch of several new initiatives, as well as the enhancement of existing activities. These include:
The Eastern Price Insurance project started in June 2020 with Phase 1 finding that price discovery was robust enough to support an Eastern Price Insurance index when using data from Ontario and Quebec for calves and feeder cattle. Historical lot data is being sourced from Ontario auction markets and indices being developed by March 2021.
The Canadian Beef Cost of Production Network provides a collaboration with provincial coordinators to establish regional benchmarks in every province that reflect specific ecoregions and production systems. There will be 26 to 30 typical farms established with benchmarks, future farms that explore the adoption of different management and production practices, and the accompanying Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions to establish where there are opportunities to both reduce GHG emissions while also supporting cow-calf competitiveness. This will provide the foundation for the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (CRSB) updated Economic Assessment. Data collection is taking place in the first quarter of 2021.
Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef: CRS is providing staff support for the Science Advisory Committee and Chair’s the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (GRSB) GHG Science Committee examining Global Warming Potential (GWP) and the compilation of a standardized beef methodology document summarizing Food and Agriculture (FAO) Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance (LEAP) methodology documents related to the beef industry on a variety of environmental topics.
Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC): Blog articles and decision-making tools continue to be produced to support adoption and extension communications. The development of a Core Question document for future Canadian Cow-Calf surveys was published in March 2020 and distributed to provincial collaborators. CRS has contributed to the BCRC internal record keeping project and Eastern Content project’s working group. CRS provides technical comments on the Scientific Review Body on the Technology Transfer and Production Economic Call.
Canada Beef: Additional reports are being provided including a quarterly Domestic Market Intelligence Report launched in May 2020, monthly U.S. articles for the Global Market Intelligence Report and oversight of a student providing monthly beef trade articles.
CRS provides secretariat services to the Beef Advisors: Ten-year goals are being developed building on the 2020 to 2024 National Beef Strategy. In setting these goals, industry is aiming to build support for beef production and its activities through a clear consistent message that communicates industry ambition and the benefits of beef production.
Data-mapping was completed in September 2020 for Verified Beef Production Plus (VBP+) matching national statistics with audit questions.
The Canadian Boxed Beef Model is scheduled for an update. These periodic updates ensure current cutouts are captured as market access changes shift demand for cuts from the packing plants.
The implementation of Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) in January 2019 has provided opportunities for yield specifications to adjust. This project was delayed due to COVID-19 and is expected to resume in 2021, depending on the availability of packer engagement.