The Producteurs de bovins du Québec

The Producteurs de bovins du Québec (PBQ) has continued efforts in a number of spheres to maintain and build cattle production in Quebec. Profile raising, value creation, and sustainable development form the central themes of our actions.

Strategic Planning 2019–2024
Early 2020 saw the PBQ begin implementing a strategic planning process for its production sectors.
The Quebec beef sector includes feeder calf producers, fed cattle producers, and dairy farmers (for cull cattle). Actors in these sectors are working to reach targets in the following areas: sector coordination, connecting with consumers, success factors from production to processing, and supporting development. Work in the last year has enabled the sector to make progress on a number of fronts, including identifying the need among our processing partners to conduct an analysis of marbling in Quebec beef carcasses.
Note that the Ministère de l’Agriculture des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation du Québec, along with various processors, auctions, and other actors, have been included in the process.
Sustainable Beef Product Development
Since the Verified Beef Production Plus (VBP+) program was recognized by the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (CRSB), the PBQ has doubled its efforts to increase the number of producers certified in Quebec.
Incentive programs implemented in recent years have sparked interest among some farmers to get certified. In early December 2020, the number of VBP+ certified feeder calf and backgrounded calf producers sat at 86, with the figure for fed cattle producers sitting at 24. These producers account for 62 per cent of production volume in the province.
The creation of a value chain for Quebec beef cattle is in progress.
A number of partners have become involved in the project and, while the data processing does present complexities when it comes to transmission, signs that the project will be successful are being seen.
On December 17, 2020, PBQ was still awaiting the results of a value chain audit, which could open to the door for the organization to be certified by the CRSB. Assuming the certification takes place, agreements in principle will be negotiated with officials at slaughter facilities who are interested in the value chain.
Business opportunities from the pandemic
Quebec, like the rest of North America, saw its share of complexities arising from the pandemic. That said, Quebecers’ interest in local products drove up demand for Quebec beef among buyers in the province. To push this momentum even further, the PBQ produced a friendly television advertisement that aired over the summer months. The ad provides consumers the key points to keep in mind when buying local beef. As a result, the amount of beef purchased by local abattoirs was greater than usual.
Animal transportation
The new Health of Animals Regulations: Part XII: Transport of Animals (Regulations) came into effect on February 20, 2020. The PBQ has created a working committee on transportation to assess the impact of the Regulations on producers. The committee includes producers of grain-fed veal, milk-fed veal, and dairy calves, who represent the producers most affected by the Regulations. The committee has developed an action plan to first identify and gather the critical points and later analyze the various solutions that may be implemented. The PBQ also remains in regular contact with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to help develop solutions as various parties adapt to the new Regulations.
For more information, please visit the PBQ website at